The European Whistleblowing Institute stems from a deep belief that there is an enormous societal gain if we become better at organising for truth.
Whistleblowers are the ones in organisations who speak up. Who are trying to guard our interests as a society in addressing wrongdoing. Who aim to inform the public when abuse of power happens. In Europe we are still defining the codes of conduct to talk about whistleblowers. EWI helps to set the stage for that.

Amplifying whistleblower thinking, insights and ideas.
EWI builds expertise and capacities across Europe. We are aiming to become the leading institute in Europe for advancing whistleblower empowerment, acceptance and safeguarding. Our main focus areas are education, research, and policy advice.
We are a unique institute where insights from different fields get combined, where creative ideas can be explored, where we can pierce public-private divides in knowledge and have organisations benefit from the latest state of the art research based on data. On top of that the institute is a place where research can benefit from direct access to all relevant stakeholders.
We aim at establishing the legal profession in Europe in this field. Very soon every organisation with 50 employees and above, will need a ‘whistleblower officer’. We need to anticipate of that change by building the capacity of professionals and organisations to work on this.